先来看看官方的限制:High CPU: Customer’s Service cannot burst to 95-100% usage for more than five (5) minutes and cannot average higher than 50% usage within any two (2) hour period. Packages advertised to include dedicated CPU, Services with the high CPU option, and any customized Service plans that include high CPU option may burst to 100% at all times.
High Load: Customer’s Service cannot have a 15-minute load average higher than the number of full logical cores assigned and cannot have a 1-day load average higher than 70% of the number of full logical cores assigned.
High Mail Volume: VirMach reserves the right to block port 25 on Customer’s Service. Customer cannot send more than 100 maximum e-mails per hour, and must maintain a similar average volume of mail on a week-to-week basis—no bursting permitted. VirMach reserves the right to waive this requirement for the purpose of a customized Service plan.
High I/O: Customer’s Service cannot average more than 80 IOPS within any two (2) hour period, cannot burst above 300MB/s disk write average for more than ten (10) minutes, cannot average more than 300 write operations per second for more than 1 hour, and cannot be above 20% average utilization within any six (6) hour period.
High Network Usage: Customer’s Service cannot have more than 50,000 conntrack sessions at any given time, and cannot use more than the allocated bandwidth. Customer understands that the network is shared and utilizing maximum network speed will not always be possible.
这限制真的是可以啊,5分钟内CPU不能超过95%到100%,2小时内不能超过50%。磁盘限制两小时内80 IOPS ,写入速度不能超过300MB/s ,不超过10分钟。其他就不说了,光着两点,就没法跟我博客的Linode比。我当时半天CPU占用100%,IOPS更是超过一万,大半天,Linode也只是提醒,并不是警告。而且我那还是单核的1G内存的最便宜的机子。就这单核的性能,也比Virmach的双核强。就拿安装Nginx来说,极速安装的情况下,单核1G的Linode只花了三分钟。双核的Virmach可是花了5分钟。
感觉正经建站还是用大厂,Linode、Vultr、DigitalOcean、瓦工这类。这种小厂的机子,也就拿来跑跑应用,测试个东西啥的。Virmach家后台最新只有debian 9。我都是自己在线升级的,本想dd个Windows看看,可到现在VNC还是一直报错Server disconnected (code: 1006)。重配置网络,修改VNC密码,而且两个面板都是这样,我也不想发工单了,肯定没服务的。